The Home Run Formula for Your Health:

"Home Base" Re-establish structural integrity, the foundation of health.

Nerve and Structural interference happens when nerves or tissues are interfered with causing the life energy, which flows through them, to be blocked. It can be produced through trauma such as an accident or fall, fractures, surgery emotional stress, etc. If our tissues, muscles or fascial movements are restricted it can cause interference with the electrical impulses moving through them. Pain and disease are not the initial cause, but are actually key indicators of nerve interference. Re-establishing structural integrity is the foundation of health. Eighty-percent of all conditions improve when the structure of the body is properly re-established to allow a free flow of vital energy.
You may receive a full analysis and examination of spinal subluxations, muscle imbalances, posture, and gait, to determine where the structure is blocked or interfered with, using a combination of:
  • Motion Analysis
  • Muscle Strength
  • Applied Kinesiology
  • X-Rays (When needed)
  • Meridian testing
  • Postural Analysis
  • Acupuncture point assessment
  • And other tests
Many corrections exist to easily rebalance the body without discomfort.
  • Spinal Adjustments
  • Laser
  • Cranial Adjusting
  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Rehabilitative Exercise

"1st Base" Rebalance emotional patterns and remove anti-sabotage patterns.

Basic emotions — fear, anger, grief, and others— are part of the normal response to everyday experiences. Generally these emotional responses dissipate as the situation that triggers them resolves. For example, if you encounter a growling dog while you’re walking down the street, you may feel fear. The fear, in this case, is part of the healthy emotional response that protects your survival, and it will normally dissipate when the threat is gone. However, sometimes there are factors that prevent the body from recovering from what was originally a healthy response. The result is a short–circuit or “glitch” in the nervous system, which can affect physical and mental well-being. Scientists recognize the connection between the nervous system, emotions, and health. Historically, emotions were thought to reside entirely in the brain. Now we know that emotions chemically affect the body on almost every level. If you’ve ever felt butterflies in your stomach when you’ve been anxious or a heaviness in your chest when you were sad, then you know first-hand how emotions can affect the body. Moreover, studies have shown that stress and emotional distress can make us vulnerable to illness. Corrections include:
  • Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
  • Neuro Emotional Anti Sabotage Technique

"2nd Base" Remove Toxins from the body

Toxic metals are widely used in industry, food processing, and agriculture, and find their way into our air, food, and water. Exposures to these toxins are not blatantly obvious to us and are hard to pinpoint as a cause for illness. Some toxins are naturally occurring chemicals that our body has a hard time breaking down. When accumulated in our cells these toxins can cause mutation or death. These can be harmless in very small quantities but deadly in larger amounts. Researchers and experts in environmental medicine tell us that it is not a questions of if our bodies are burdened with toxic overload but "how bad is it." Common problems of toxicity include: Headaches, fatigue, general joint and muscle pain, skin disorders like rashes and eczema, and asthma and allergies. Many toxins are neurotoxins like mono sodium glutamate and mercury and affect our brain functions such as memory, quick thinking and moods. Corrections include:
  • Treat with NET Homeopathies

"3rd Base" Rebalance Nutrition

Surveys show that 20% of the US population never eats vegetables, and 40% rarely consumes fruit or fruit juices. 80% of the population never consumes whole grains or high-fiber foods. All forms of refined sugar lower the immune system's functions and interferes with the ability of the white blood cells to destroy unfriendly bacteria. The standard American diet, which contains food grown on depleted soils, has left Americans deficient in many nutrients important to health. In 1936, U.S. Senate Document 264 noted that 95% of Americans are deficient in one or more major minerals and many trace minerals, which have been proven to be necessary for bone mineralization. Corrections include:
  • Replenish nutrition for organs, gland or system weakness.
  • Reprogram the body for any Allergy/Sensitivities
  • Rebalance Electro Magnetics
  • Reset adrenals
  • Replace enzymes and/or HCL to aid digestion
  • Restore proper bowel flora